
My name is Lexx. I'm 18 years old and I think that life is grand. I'm not really sure what I'm gunna do with mine yet, but I'm excited for what the future will bring.

After reading (and loving) blogs by some of my favorite internet people, like Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter, I decided that I wanted to have a little slice of the web for me too. I created this blog mainly for me to share my adventures and my thoughts on things. Who knows? Maybe I'll make some new connections while I'm at it. 

Lexxolas is a play off of Legolas, the elf from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with my two xs in place of the g. I've used the name for a while now and I've always thought it sounded pretty cool.

This is Legolas. Check out those beautiful, luxurious blond locks. (Source)

Like the things that I get up to and wanna see more? Follow me on these places too!

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