Wednesday, August 13, 2014

10 Random Facts About Me

Hi World!

So... if we wanna be friends, I think we have to try and get to know one another. Here are 10 random facts about me:

  1. My favorite color is blue, but I LOVE seeing a rich evergreen-esque color when I go to new places.
  2. I've never been to a country outside of North America.
  3. I don't like coffee. I'd rather have tea or hot chocolate as a hot drink.
  4. Speaking of drinks, my favorite drink is water (I know, I'm so snoozeville, but hey, it's good for ya).
  5. Airports give me a sense of adventure, so I don't hate them like a lot of people seem to.
  6. I would love to experience fall/autumn like the images that are associated with the season. Southern California doesn't really have seasons. We just have Hot, Kinda Hot, and Rain (2ish week period).
  7. Similar to the way people like having their toes in the warm sand on the beach (which I do like), I like putting my bare feet in soft, cool grass.
  8. Sunset/twilight/dusk/sundown is my favorite time of day, especially in the summer when this time is a little later.
  9. I'm soon to enter my senior year of high school and I'm not too sure I'm ready to grow up just yet.
  10. I'm currently eating a waffle with cream cheese. Yum.
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