Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Trace Has Been Broken!

Hi World!

As of 2ish hours ago, it is my seventeenth birthday. Though I technically don't turn 17 until around noon, it still counts as my birthday.

I'm actually excited to be able to tell people I'm 17 years old. 16, I feel, is more of a special age for girls because a number of them have their "sweet sixteen" parties. Guys don't usually have one of those cool parties. Plus, I'm not really the party type anyway. 18, on the other hand, means legal adult status, which sounds gross to me. Now, 17 has a cool meaning to me because, if you're a fan of Harry Potter, you know that once a wizard or witch reaches this age, something called the Trace breaks and you're not considered underage anymore (read about it HERE). If I lived in the world of Harry Potter, I'd be able to do magic whenever I want now, which would be crazy awesome.

In the spirit of it being my seventeenth birthday, the Trace breaking, and it being Throwback Thursday, here is a lovely picture of me a couple years ago, Bieber hair, braces, and all. Cute. I was dressed up as, apparently, a cross between a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw student from Hogwarts (I'm in Ravenclaw).

For the past couple years, birthdays haven't meant a ton to me. Like, I'd always special for a little bit, but then it'd just be another day. 17 feels a little different though, which is a nice change.

I hope you enjoyed this little post on late night/early morning birthday thoughts. How do you feel about birthdays? Any special things that you do every year for yourself? Let me know in the comments. I'd love to read them. Alrighty, I'll leave you with a snapchat that is the first picture of me as a seventeen year old.


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