Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Weekly Wednesday Snap | Spring Ducklings

Hi World!

Don't know what a Weekly Wednesday Snap is? Click HERE.

Hope your Wednesday has been swell! I took this little snap today when I was walking back from class to my dorm. A couple weeks ago, this mama duck and her adorable ducklings have been waddling around the residence area on campus and they never fail to fill my heart with joy. I mean, look at them. They're so cute. The ducklings' tiny feet scuttle so quickly while they walk. They've been featured on far too many snap stories, but I guess their cuteness makes it okay... almost. And it is pretty funny to see people whip out their phones to take the same snap as they follow this little family around. They're like paparazzi for these famous ducks.

Super short post today, but I just wanted to you to meet our resident duck fam. Hope it made you smile or feel some sort of warm fuzzies.

Have you spotted any cute animals lately?


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