Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Blog Update | Summer 2016

Hi World!

Happy Wednesday! If you've been following this blog for a couple months, you now that Wednesdays are usually when I post a Weekly Wednesday Snap (WWS). Unfortunately, today's post will not be one of those. One reason for this is that I haven't taken many pictures lately that I feel are worth sharing with you. The other is that I wanted to give you an update on the blog.

About 2 weeks ago, I finished up my first year of college (woot!) and I am now on summer break until fall semester. If you remember from my first post of this year, when I wrote a blog update, I mentioned that I was taking a Communications class and that we were tasked with creating or continuing a blog. I decided to continue this one. I'm really glad I did. It's been fun blogging these past couple months. However, now that I am not required to blog for my grade (I believe I got full points for it, yay!), I'm slightly less motivated to blog as often. As a result, I am concluding the WWS feature with last week's post. I might do some Random Snap posts every now and then though. Again, I probably won't blog as much as I have recently, but I still have a number of posts planned, so you'll still get to see something from me throughout the summer. After that, we'll just see where the wind takes us. Sound good?

I hope that those of you who have been keeping up with my blog have been enjoying it. I'll see you soon with another post. Have a wonderful morning/day/night wherever you are :)


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