Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weekly Wednesday Snap | Bowling With Floormates

Hi World!

Don't know what a Weekly Wednesday Snap is? Click HERE.

This week's WWS doesn't look super exciting, but it's a quick look into something fun I did last weekend. This picture was taken last Friday, when me and some of my floormates decided to go bowling on campus. I was really lucky when I was placed in my dorm because my floormates are the coolest people. I'm on a themed floor, so most of us share similar majors and interests. We all clicked really well from the beginning and it's kind of like living in a big house or living in a community where all the neighbors are friends. Everyone hangs out with each other and we have a good time. I'm really gunna miss the dorm life next year and seeing their faces every day. Granted I'm not close with all of them, I've made some great friends that have made my freshman year of college awesome.

Do you or did you dorm? How was your experience?


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