Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blogmas Snap #10 | Meet Jasper

Hi World!

What are Blogmas Snaps, you ask? Click HERE.

This is Jasper! Isn't he adorable? I got him years ago from Build-A-Bear and obviously, I needed him to be in the festive spirit at the time. Check out those adorable reindeer pajamas and stocking with a Christmas/fairy light snowflake pattern. I love it! For years, he's just been sleeping, err... hibernating shall we say, in one of my drawers. I found him a couple of days ago, but today I woke him from his long slumber and now he's ready to party for the holidays.

Here he is casually sitting on my couch. Look! He even has his own little house. It's an igloo. Igloo is such a weird looking word. And it's kinda fun to say too. I like it. Anywho, yes, I shamelessly set this up for a Blogmas Snap photoshoot.

Whoa. A third snap! How cray of me. But oh em gee. How cute is he just chilln' in the igloo?! See what I did there? I'm hilarious, I know. Haha, he has a little less room than he'd probably like, but he seems comfortable regardless. I like how he's just just peeking out with those puppy dog eyes.

It's been a while since I played with a stuffed animal. This was a nice little blast from the past.

Do you have any special stuffed animals? Have they put on their holiday attire yet? Send me pictures on Twitter or Instagram and be sure to tag me and use #BlogmasSnaps.


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