Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Blogmas Snap #23 | Spongebob Gingerbread House

Hi World!

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Behold. The masterpiece that is the Spongebob Gingerbread House. Yesterday, I told you that I was going to have a party with friends. Well, this snap was taken there. One of us brought a kit for the gingerbread house and the eight of us did little things to assemble it. Here is my friend posing with the final product. Looks good right? Well, it probably doesn't taste as well as it looks. We didn't eat it because the icing had the consistency of Play-Doh. Yum. But it did its job holding the house together.

The friend party was so much fun! I had never done a Secret Santa with friends before. The person I chose was happy with what I got them and I was happy with what my Secret Santa gave me. I brought lumpia to the party, which are Filipino fried egg rolls, and everyone loved them! The party was from noon to four, so after lunch, we exchanged gifts. After that, we made the gingerbread house and played some Just Dance, which I love!

Today was a good day. :) Hope yours was too!

Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve and that there's only two Blogmas Snaps left? I hope you've liked them so far! I've loved blogging this month!


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