Monday, December 22, 2014

Blogmas Snap #22 | Wrapping Presents

Hi World!

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I wrapped my presents today! Well, I wrapped two (technically four). The other two were just placed in bags that I later stuffed with tissue paper. Not gunna lie, I'm not a professional gift wrapper, but if you look at it from here, the stack of three on the left looks great! I'm rubbish at the side part of the wrapping. And my mom wasn't really home today to show me how to do it properly so... I improvised. The yarn really ties it together though. The stack is for my Secret Santa that I'm doing with friends. Our party is tomorrow and I hope she likes what I got her!

I have three more presents to wrap and a couple cards to write. Almost done!

Here's a cute little happy selfie with me and my sister. She likes to make her gifts, so as I was wrapping, she was crafting.

 And here's a goofier one. This kinda reminds me of that one emoji (you know the one) and Miranda Sings. Side note: How 'bout them holiday hats?

Are all your presents wrapped? Also, do you wrap them or stuff 'em all in bags?


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