Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blogmas Snap #9 | Creepers In The Tree

Hi World!

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Yesterday, my dad took our tree out of the garage, but didn't assemble it until today. Yes, we have a fake tree and I like it. We always have a tree ready for the holidays and it lasts for years! Also, we don't have to deal with the shedding of pine needles that get everywhere. The only thing that I think we miss by not having a real one is the delightful pine smell that just screams Christmas. A candle can fix that problem though :) 

Here are my weird siblings just hangin' 'round the tree. Check out my brother creepin' in the back. Cute. We have yet to decorate, but fear not! That's what this weekend is for. I'm so excited! Decorating the Christmas tree is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I'll go into this more when this year's tree is decked out. That'll probably be my Blogmas Snap on either Saturday or Sunday of this week.

This is another quick picture of the two of them messing about the tree. My adorkable siblings that I love.

Have you gotten your tree yet? And tell me, do you prefer the real or fake trees?


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