Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blogmas Snap #18 | Green Tea & Honey

Hi World!

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Tonight, I had a nice warm cup of green tea. I normally don't drink green tea unless I'm sick, but sometimes when I feel like having something hot to drink, it's one of my go-to choices. Plus, considering the cold weather and that it's flu season, the green tea wouldn't hurt my body, with all its antioxidants and other good stuff. I usually go with the Lipton brand tea.

Here's my general routine for making tea:

  1. Get mug (it's usually one of these blue ones)
  2. Fill mug with water
  3. Heat in microwave for 2 minutes and 13 seconds (why? I don't really know.)
  4. Take mug out of microwave
  5. Steep tea bag for 5ish minutes (I usually forget about it so it's actually a lot longer. Oops.)
  6. Stir in 2 spoonfuls of honey
  7. Let sit 'til it's not hot enough to burn your lips/tongue
  8. Drink up!
Do you drink tea and have a weird little routine that you go through every time?


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