Monday, December 15, 2014

Blogmas Snap #15 | Christmas Jr.

Hi World!

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Okay. I know I said I would post those pictures of my Christmas tree, but my mom has been dealing with family matters lately and, as a result, I have not had a chance to download the pictures from her phone. Sorry! I'll post them soon! In the meantime, here's a fake baby Christmas tree. Shall we call it Christmas Jr.? We shall. Everyone, this is Christmas Jr. Christmas Jr. says hello and that you all look beautiful today.

Accompanying Christmas Jr. is a cute little bear with a bow that is not proportional to its body. In the background, you get a little look into our family room. Complete with a large rug over a carpet, pink yoga ball, laptop, TV, fan, Hello Kitty whiteboard (which you can see HERE), and stacks of CDs and DVDs, it's a grand place to hang.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday!


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