Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blogmas Snap #14 | Rudolph? Is That You?

Hi World!

What are Blogmas Snaps, you ask? Click HERE.

Here we have a goofy little snap of me and my sister that I took while we were decorating the house today. We found festive hats and my sister decided to strap a Rudolph nose on me (probably because the Santa hat that I have on has reindeer antlers that you can't see... I'll show you another time). It lights up, as you can see. Yay for holiday hats and accessories!

Who wore it better:  Lexx or Rudolph?

This was taken on my mom's phone (which I believe is the Samsung Galaxy S4) because I ran out of memory on my iPhone. I took lots of other pictures that I'll be sure to share with you tomorrow. All the other pictures were taken on her phone and I didn't have time to send them to myself before she left for work. You'll get to see our tree fully decked out! The background of this picture is a little sneak peek.

Hope you all had a fun-filled weekend!


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